Lesbigay; LGBT~; LGBTQ; LGBTA; LGBU; FABGLITTER; Lgbtq; LGBTT; LGBTTQ; LGBTQQ; LGBTTQQ; LBGT; Lbgt; GLBTQ; Lesbian and Gay; GBLT; FABGLITTERHAT; GLBTTQ; LGBT Living & Weddings; Lgbt living; LGBT (acronym); LGBT...; GLBTA; QAIP; GLBTQQIA; GLBTIQ; BGLT; Lgbt; Lgbtiq; Gay and Lesbian; LGTB; LGBTQI; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered; Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender; GLBT; LGBTQQI; LBGTQ; GLTB; BTLG; TBLG; TBLGQ; LTGB; LGBTQQIA; LGBTQIA; LGBT+; QUILTBAG; Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender; GBTQ; LGBTIH; LBTQ; BLGT; Gender and Sexual Minorities; Gender and Sexual Minority; Gender and/or Sexual Minority; Gender and/or Sexual Minorities; Gender and/or sexual minority; QTPOC; LGBTTIQ; LGBTQA; LGBTIQQA; GLBTQI; LGBTQIAPD; LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM; LGB&T; GSRM; LGBTIQA; Lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer; Lesbian gay bisexual transgender; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer; Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer; Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender; L.G.B.T.; L.G.B.T.Q.; L. G. B. T.; L. G. B. T. Q.; LGBTQ2; Mogai; MOGAI; Lgbtq+; LGBTQQIAAP; Lesbian, gay, and bisexual; Lesbian, gay and bisexual; LGBTQO; Quilt bag; QTIPOC; LGBTQ+; Gay and lesbian; User:AGTheGrammarPolice/sandbox/QUILTBAG; Gay, lesbian and bisexual; LGBTTQQIAAP; LGBTIQA+; LGTBQA+; Draft:LGBTQ; LGBT women; LGBT men; LGTBQ; Drop the T; LGBT overview; LGBTQI+; TQLGB; LGTBQIA+; LBGTQIA; LGBTQIA+; LGBT subculture; LGBTQIAAP; LGBTQ2S+; Glbt; LGBTQA+; Sexual and gender minorities; Quiltbag; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer; LGBTIQ+; User:Welcometothenewmillenium/sandbox; Draft:LGBT; LGB drop the T; 2S/LGBTQIA+; 2SLGBTQQIA+; LGBTQIA2S; 2SLGBTQAI+; Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities; Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minority; Sexual and Gender Minorities; LGBTQIA2S+; LGBTQIAP; LGBTQIAP+; G.L.B.T; G.L.B.T.; LGBTTIQQ2SA; Commonly used queer acronyms; Commonly Used Queer Acronyms and their Meanings
is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an umbrella term for sexuality and gender identity.